Formal Definition
Module instantiation provides a means of nesting modules descriptions.
In the article, Blocking And Non-blocking in Verilog, we will discuss the topics of Verilog blocking and non-blocking. Blocking And Non-blocking In Verilog: The execution of the blocking statements will be in series. This blocking statement will block the next statement until the present statement executes successfully. We have seen that assertions can be included directly in the source code of the modules in which they apply. They can even be embedded in procedural code. Alternatively, verification code can be written in a separate program, for example, and that program can then be bound to a specific module or module.
Simplified Syntax
module_name [parameter_value_assignment] module_instance ;
Modules can be instantiated from within other modules. When a module is instantiated, connections to the ports of the module must be specified. There are two ways to make port connections. One is connection by name, in which variables connected to each of module inputs or outputs are specified in a set of parenthesis following the name of the ports. In this method order of connections is not significant. See Example 1.
The second method is called ordered connection. In this method the order of the ports must match the order appearing in the instantiated module. See Example 2. When ports are connected by name it is illegal to leave any ports unconnected. This may occur when ports are connected by order. See Example 3.
What happens if you leave a port unconnected depends on the type of the port. If you are connecting net type ports, unconnected bits are driven with high impedance. In other cases, bits are driven with unknown values.
Module instantiations can create an array of instances. To create theses instances, range specifications have to be declared after the module name. The array of instances can save you time in writing code and provide a way to enrich your readability, see Example 4
Example 1
module dff (clk, d, q);
input clk, d;
output q;
reg q;
always @(posedge clk) q = d;
module top;
reg data, clock;
wire q_out, net_1;
dff inst_1 (.d(data), .q(net_1), .clk(clock));
dff inst_2 (.clk(clock), .d(net_1), .q(q_out));
Systemverilog Spec
In the top module there are two instantiations of the 'dff' module. In both cases port connections are done by name, so the port order is insignificant. The first port is input port 'd', the second is output 'q' and the last is the clock in the 'inst_1'. In the dff module the order of ports is different than either of the two instantiations.
Verilog Vs Systemverilog
Example 2
module dff (clk, d, q);
input clk, d;
output q;
reg q;
always @(posedge clk) q = d;
module top;
reg data, clock;
wire q_out, net_1;
dff inst_1 (clock, data, net_1);
dff inst_2 (clock, net_1, q_out);
Example 3 Toyota hilux ln85 workshop manual download.
dff inst_1 (clock, , net_1);
Second port is unconnected and has the value Z because it is of the net type.
Rollei planar serial number. All Rollei TLR Serial Numbers. There are several sources for Rollei TLR camera serial numbers. Claus Prochnow, Ian Parker and mr. Evans all did their immaculate research in the old Franke - Heidecke and Rollei archives. Based their findings on what they noted as the most reliable fact and yet came, in some instances, with different namings / conclusions. 1984 issuance of the 2.8F Platin Edition. Newly manufactured Rollei ( licensed by Zeiss ) 80mm Planar lens. Rolleiflex 2.8GX Type I: $ 1,850-2,400: Serial # starts at 2985501. 80mm Planar HFT F2.8 lens. LED Meter readout. Rollei TLR Model: Serial Numbers: Bay size: Introduced: Rolleiflex 3.5E-2: 1st issue: 18999: II: 1959: Rolleiflex 3.5E-2: Xenotar MX EV: 24999.
Example 4
module my_module (a, b, c);
input a, b;
output c;
assign c = a & b ;
module top (a, b, c) ;
input [3:0] a, b;
output [3:0] c;
my_module inst [3:0] (a, b, c);
Important Notes
If ports are connected by name it is illegal to leave any ports unconnected.
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